Wet proof (press proof)
For people who want to see the way color in their project will come out in offset printing, wet proofing might be an option. Generally, wet proofing is to use the actual offset press that your final book will be printed with, to output one side of a signature on the same paper stock as per your request.
Pages of content that one side of a signature can fit is different depending on the trim size of the book. Taking a 8.5” x 11” book as an example, one side of a signature can fit 8 pages of content. But for a 9” x 12” book, it can only fit 4 pages of content.
The choice of which pages to be proofed is completely up to you. They do not need to be consecutive so we recommend you to choose the pages that feature the colors you are most concerned about.
Example of wet proofing
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